Mechanical System 3d modeling and rendering

When Portside Systems is involved in the mechanical design and implementation of a project we bring it to the next level with complete 3D modeling of the system. This allows us to find the issues before we encounter them and also have the most accurate BOM possible when it comes to the fabrication and construction phases. Since we develop a 3D model of the system, making modifications and seeing the effect both in a spacial and functional sense is easy. Having a rendering of the system is also a great tool for review with the design team and customer.

3D Modeling and Rendering of Facilities and Process Equipment

3D Modeling and Rendering of Facilities and Process Equipment

Hydraulic Vibration Controller

Hydraulic Vibration Controller

8D Lithium Ion Battery with Battery Cell Managment

8D Lithium Ion Battery with Battery Cell Managment

Solar Powered Security System

Solar Powered Security System

Conversion of 3D Models to Scaled 2D Drawing Sets for Review and for Construction.

Conversion of 3D Models to Scaled 2D Drawing Sets for Review and for Construction.

HVAC Thermal Storage Unit

HVAC Thermal Storage Unit

Main Pumping Station

Main Pumping Station

DC Battery Power Storage

DC Battery Power Storage

Custom Battery Storage System

Custom Battery Storage System

Custom Enclosures / 3D Modeling / 3D Printing

Full capabilities of designing and fabricating fixtures and components to meet your projects needs! 

We use our CNC router for making custom parts for control panel, custom pipe flanges, custom polypropylene parts to be welded into assemblies, and general industrial signage for use on our projects.

We use our CNC router for making custom parts for control panel, custom pipe flanges, custom polypropylene parts to be welded into assemblies, and general industrial signage for use on our projects.

We use our 3D printer to prototype parts before they are sent out to the machine shop and also for making fixtures and brackets for our control panel and mechanical assemblies.

We use our 3D printer to prototype parts before they are sent out to the machine shop and also for making fixtures and brackets for our control panel and mechanical assemblies.